From the title of my book, The Clay GirI, one might safely assume I have a thing for pottery. I admire perfect creations, but it’s the wonky, dented, fissured pieces that I find most alluring. I love the ‘wabi sabi’ pots: imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. I have the same affinity for people. I find the scarred, off-kilter ones the most […]
Swimming Upstream
Most days I take a hike by the river. At this time of year the salmon are returning home. Their tenacity inspires me; they know where they’re going and nothing stops them. Yeah, I know they are going to die after spawning, but aren’t we all swimming toward that end? Think of their journey: they […]
Girl Meets Boy
Summer, 1978. Boy can sing. Girl plays the flute. Making music for a wedding brings them together. Girl thinks: he’s smart and funny and has nice eyes. Boy thinks: she has nice boobs. The duet has a sweet sound. Boy asks, ‘Encore?” Girl smiles, yes. Boy thinks: she’s cute. His finger brushes her’s. She nabs his hand. They walk by the lake, talk […]