I love book clubs. Connecting with people who read, think, debate… laugh! More than the wine and treats (often spectacular seahorse inspired confections) is the wonderful sense of community and support between members.
On Sunday, East met West in the most delightful way. I had a Skype book club scheduled with Chapter One Book Store in Montana. Currently, I’m in Cape Breton. I had the romantic notion that I’d sit by the ocean on the Cabot Trail and introduce them to Ari’s home. No signal. Not a glimmer of a bar on my device and minutes until I was supposed to connect.
I zipped up the trail looking for ‘connection’ and found it at Wreck Cove General Store. Wind-wild, I flew in the door and literally met Hope. I asked, “Can I use your WiFi to meet with a book club in Montana?!”
“Um, sure. Whatever you need.”
Just like that. I was offered a table, plug, password, coffee… Celtic music filled the space, as did laughter and the aroma of baking. As the ‘meeting’ unfolded, I talked with insightful, creative readers, many miles to the west. In the store, neighbours dropped-in and stayed, filling tables around me. Behind me, a big red lobster with a guitar invited everyone to an end of lobster season party. Around, wonderful people— who the owner, Jenn, said, “They all just came with the place when we bought it,”— joined in.
When ‘Chapter One’ signed off, conversation continued, stories were gathered, friendships made and The Clay Girl found some fans in Wreck Cove. Drop by and I’m sure Jenn would be happy to loan you the book.
Thank you, Mara and Chapter One Book Club. It was a delight connecting with all of you. I hope one day I can visit and we can chat in person.
Brent, Jenn, Hope and all the lovely people I met in Wreck Cove, you are spectacular. There is nothing like East Coast hospitality.
Every book club I’ve attended has been a unique, inspiring experience. I’m grateful for every invite and opportunity.
I just spoke to a lady I’m the library in Port Perry who recommended Clay Girl as a great option for my Bookclub
She said that you are willing to attend Bookclub Meetings. Could you givee some information, please
Hi Brenda: By far the best thing about publishing a book is attending bookclubs*:) I have met so many wonder readers this year. I’m always delighted when a club picks Clay Girl and I love receiving invites.
The appearance tab shows dates I already have booked. I have a couple that haven’t confirmed yet for October. If you choose The Clay Girl just send me some possible dates and we can arrange a time/place.
Please thank the lovely person at the library for the recommendation.