Facebook poked me yesterday, pointing out that it’s been 18 days since my last post. Does anyone know of an app where I can give it sharp jab back? I feel secure knowing that my legion of followers (all eight of you) are a compassionate, understanding lot.
I admit, I’m a little off course. Deadlines, commitments and ‘to-do’ lists have sucked up my time. And, a pain in my foot has turned my Prozac-replacement-hikes into more of a root canal without anesthetic. Sleep is an elusive bugger and I’ve bought into the lie that since chocolate comes from a plant it’s a vegetable, or at the very least a fruit.
No, no, no, this is not a whine. I’m lucky, lucky, lucky. I have exciting things to do. Access to physio, drugs and enough dollars to buy ugly orthopedic shoes. I have soft pillows and good books filling the sleepless hours and Lindt Mousse au Chocolat is on sale at Winners.
Far beyond the trivial waves under my canoe, this past month I’ve bumped into several seasick travelers navigating big swells: infertility, illness, bankruptcy, abandonment, betrayal, bereavement… a lifetime of dreams consumed by fire.
Oh, sure, there’s the inevitable flotsam and jetsam littering the shore, beached whales and down-side-up turtles but then you come across treasures like these:
- Last week I met a brilliant young writer who has been handed the words ‘terminal’ and ‘incurable’. The tale she weaves is heartbreaking, yes, but each line is mercifully punctuated with tenacity, gratitude and hope.
- A Syrian family arrived in Guelph this week and I swear I could hear the joy-filled song of both the helpers and the helped all the way up at the farm.
- Standing in line at the No-Frills I saw a skinny boy in droopy pants take twenty dollars out of his pocket and put it in the collection box for the victims of the Fort McMurray Fire. Adds up to a bit of a magnum opus, don’t you think.
Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. ~Voltaire
Whatever we’re facing, I figure, taking a deep breath and belting out, oh let’s say, a little Neil Diamond can only make the rocky seas a little better. Sweet life of mine, do-do-do. Good times never seemed so good…
Neil has one for the other side too…Song Sung Blue…sometimes it’s hard to see the other but Fort Mac helps with that issue.
Ah, yes, song sung blue, everybody knows one…
I remember when that canoe was actually water worthy.
Sorry about de agony of de feet.
Knock em dead this week down in Chi town.
Hah, de feet. I’m going to use that one.
Fog closed the Chicago airport this morning. We finally were able to land. Now if I could get the fog in my head to lift.
Good words, Babe!
Awesome words Heather
Hope your feet are better ( try Vicks Vapour Rub it works )
We can all learn from watching friends facing “terminal” “in-operable” enjoying life to the fullest
Every day is a gift, sore feet and all.
Congrats Heather on your novel launch.The reviews were wonderful-triumphant debut novel,incredible writing and stunning.I love your family picture singing in the lifeboat.Wishing you continued success.Susan
Thanks, Sue! Hope Elu isn’t being any trouble.